Catalan Prime Minister reaffirms support to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria 

In a recent meeting between the Catalan Prime Minister Pere Aragonès and a delegation from the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, the continuing support for the local self-government as well as the intensification of the bilateral relations in the field of joint cooperations was reaffirmed.

Yesterday, the delegation from North and East Syria, composed of representatives, such as the Co-President of the department for Foreign affairs, Badran Jiya Kurd, the representative for Europe, Abdul Karim Omar and the Co-President of the Syrian Party, Nazira Koriya, met Prime Minister Aragonès at the Catalan governmental headquarters in Barcelona.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Aragonès emphasized the continuing support of his country to the Autonomous Administration on all levels, both politically, in the humanitarian domain, economically and in the field of development policy. Especially the role of the Autonomous Administration in combatting ISIS mercenaries was additionally highlighted.

Aragonès further mentioned the necessity to continue the support to the Autonomous Administration in order to preserve the region‘s stability and safety. He further highlighted the willingness to strengthen the mutual relations in the field of cooperations between both parties and to represent the interests of the region‘s peoples on international platforms.

Badran Jiya Kurd, Co-President of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, on his side, honored and appreciated the stance of the Catalan government and their peoples in their support to the Autonomous Administration. He further praised the efforts of the Catalan Government in contributing to the region‘s safety and stability. Kurd also emphasized that the Catalan Parliament officially recognized the Autonomous Administration, thus, expressing the profound and cordial relation between both parties.

North and East Syria in a dialogue with the Catalan people 

In a statement, Kurd highlighted the common aspects of North and East Syria and the Catalan people. He thereby enumerated the joint combat for justice, freedom and democracy to constitute the focal point of their common goals.

„We will achieve more“, explained Kurd optimistically and further highlighted all efforts that seek to promote collective action and to reinforce the cordial relations between both communities.

Also, current challenges the Autonomous Administration faces were also brought to discussion. Kurd made clear that the continuous aggressions and attacks of the Turkish occupation particularly seek to destroy vital facilities and services and therefore pursue the goal of curtailing the civilian population in their daily lives. He subsequently clarified: These attacks will be classified as war crimes and crimes against humanity, in accordance with international law.

In addition, the needed responsibility of the international community was also highlighted be Kurd. He appealed to the world to eventually stop the continuously perpetrated and heinous crimes and violations, while simultaneously also support the efforts of the Autonomous Administration and its allies. The goal is to create the basis for safety and stability in the affected and plagued regions in North and East Syria; a huge challenge which requires the solidarity of the international community.

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