Great Britain to repatriate its nationals from Syria
As the situation in the notorious Syrian Al-Hol Camp is continuously deteriorating and exhausting the military capacities of the internal security forces of the Autonomous Ad-ministration of North and East Syria, more and more European countries commenced with the incremental repatriation of their nationals with the help of AANES’s official represent-atives.
Just recently, Jonathan Hargreaves, the British Special Envoy for Syria, emphasized the need for his country to increasingly support the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria for the sake of officially recognizing the latter as an official negotiation partner when it comes to acts of repatriation of British citizens from Northern Syria. He further mentioned that the support to AANES should exceed the security and military aspects and should therefore also include the economic and humanitarian sector to such an extent that a profound development in the respective region is ensured, in order to finally contribute to the overall stability of the region.
On October 11, 2022, Badran Jiya Kurd, the joint head of the Department of Foreign Re-lations in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria received a high-ranking British delegation, which also included Jonathan Hargreaves. The bilateral meeting was held to discuss common issues in combatting terrorism and finding new mechanisms and strategies for confronting and eventually eliminating the threat of terrorist organizations, notably ISIS. The two sides debated on economic and humanitarian issues at length by elaborating on possible future political solutions to the Syrian crisis and emphasizing the need to engage in counterterrorism strategies against ISIS that jeopardize the region, which is currently subjected to Turkish attacks.
Moreover, both sides enunciated that Turkey, through its ongoing violations and most re-cent attempt to seek a reconciliation with the Syrian regime, seriously undermines the ef-forts of the International Coalition against ISIS and the Syrian Democratic Forces in com-batting terrorism and providing stability and economic development to the conflict-ridden region.
Thus, the British envoy further pointed out the United Kingdom’s intention to further sup-port the AANES, an opinion, that the British government also shares with several Western countries, including the United States, for the sake of finally eradicating ISIS’ presence and threat to the entire region and the world.
At the end of the meeting, an official document was signed, which legally stipulated the framework for the repatriation of a British citizen with her daughter from the Al-Hol Camp.
After that, Jonathan Hargreaves publicly thanked the Autonomous Administration and the Syrian Democratic Forces for their efforts in combatting terrorism through significant sac-rifices in an official statement. Lastly, he emphasized the United Kingdom’s endeavor to support the region in its strive for stability and also expressed his gratitude to the Depart-ment of Foreign Relations for its continuous cooperation that eventually made the repatria-tion of a British citizen possible.